Welcome To Angel Dust!



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Hi! Thanks for visiting my site! If you haven't already guessed, this is a fansite for that wonderfully talented man, Orlando Bloom.
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Orlando Bloom as Legolas from LOTR.
Isn't he just gorgeous?!

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The Two Towers Pic
This is a pic of Legolas, played by Orlando Bloom, and Aragorn, played by Viggo Mortensen, just begining of the massive battle at Helm's Deep in TTT!

You should take a look at my other site because technically, it would be the same site if I weren't using freeservers as my domain. Well, you can read more about what I'm trying to explain if you click on the link just below here!! :)
Visit My Other Site, Livin' 4 Legolas!

If you have any questions or comments, or just anything you want to send me, my email address is me-meow@cox.net Feel free to ask me anything, or send me anything! (just not a virus! lol)