Photo Gallery



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Welcome to my photo gallery!
All of my images are obviously of Orlando Bloom or Legolas. If you guys have pics of Orli on set or off, and caption requests, for only those asked for requests, then please, email them to me!!!!

Legolas Horseback

Legolas in the Fangorn Forest, where the trees talk.

(1)You can send me requested captions for any of the picture caption spaces that I left blank, I placed numbers by each blank pic so when you send me your request, send me the number of the picture too so I can put what you typed under the right pic. If you put NO number, I will just automatically delete your request! Okay?

Legolas readying his bow.

Legolas and Eowyn, from TTT.

Another pic from the Fangorn Forest.

"Lambus bread; just the smallest bite will fill the stomach of a grown man. That's why I rely on it on the long journey."
Legolas, LOTR The Fellowship-Special Features

Four pics put together to form one big cool one!

Almost a full body picture!!

Here we go! Here's an entire body pic!

Put a smile on you face, make the world a better place!

Aragorn, Legolas and Boromir.

Legolas at Amon Hen.

Picture of Legolas with Orlando Bloom's autograph.

Pajamies!! Well, not really... but I like to think that they are!

(1P)"A lament for Gandalf."
Legolas-LOTR The Fellowship

Puppy Dawg Face!! Awwwww..........


Got any pics of Orli or Legolas? Great! Email them to me! And thanks to Naddsy for the caption request of Legolas with the Lambus Bread! Thanks Naddsy! :)