Photo Gallery 3



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If you have a site and want to use some of my pics on your site, just email me and ask me, ok? Is that simple enough?

This is a better puppy dawg face!

I got this from Quiver.

We must move on, we cannot linger."
Legolas, LOTR The Fellowship

Legolas,"Dude, I'm totally serious. Just bleach your hair and put on some fake pointy ears. The girls will be all over you too. Trust me on this...
Aragorn,"'sigh', I though women LIKED the rugged outdoorsy type."

Look! I'm looking at a bow! LOL! ;)

Orli on t.v.

"And you have my bow."
Legolas, LOTR The Fellowship

"You will unite, or you will fall."
Elrond, LOTR The Fellowship

*Looks around curiously.* Ya, curiously hot!!! :)(:

"I do not have the heart to tell you, for me the grief is still too near."
Legolas, LOTR The Fellowship

Leggy in Amon Hen.

Legolas leaving Lothlorien headed for Amon Hen.

Legolas, Argorn and Gimli bombarded by the Riders of Rohan.

He's soooooooo cute when he smiles!!!!!!!!!! :D

Email me anything you want!!!!!!!